Our Commitment

30 +

Years Of Experiance

Michael Sandor & Associates

Our Commitment to Our Client

You will always receive friendly, courteous and timely service.

You will always receive exceptional value for money.

We will keep you up to date at all times. You will receive timely progress on your matters, via email or print (that way you know how we are performing every step of the way).

We will be honest and up-front with you. If any element of the service can be enhanced, we will advise you immediately

Your opinions are important to us. We can and will make any changes required to ensure we are able to provide the maximum service required to be in synergy with your needs and requirements.

Ability to issue letters or commence proceedings within 24 hours of receipt of referral

Once instructions are received, letters will be generated and emailed/posted within the 24 hour span. An electronic file will be sent direct to the process area for the letters to be generated and mailed. Similarly, proceedings or any legal action taken in issuing Complaint, Writs, Warrants or Summons for Oral Examinations will be issued within 24 hours of receipt of instructions with our existing EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) system allowing online access to the Court system. You will receive daily advice of action taken, including being provided with copies of correspondence sent and received from debtors.

Ability to complete instructions within 24 hours of receipt of referral

Michael Sandor & Associates will have an Account Manager who will be the liaison with you which will allow immediate action to be taken as and when required.


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